On 18 May 2017, the Australian Disputes Centre (‘ADC’) had the pleasure of hearing a seminar run by Max Kimber SC, Barrister at State Chambers. With more than 30 years dispute resolution experience in work-related matters, the Alternate Dispute Resolution (‘ADR’) specialist discussed the crucial role of lawyers in the education and facilitation of mediation. In criticising the adversarial approach adopted too often by lawyers in mediation processes, he notes that the promise of mediation given to clients falls regrettably short.

 The essence of his seminar is encapsulated in a detailed written piece published online by Mr Kimber, ‘Have Lawyers Hijacked The Promise of Mediation?’. The article challenges the current culture of ADR and provokes a thoughtful discussion concerning the interplay between mediators, lawyers and clients. What promises of mediation have lawyers give to their clients? How have lawyers ‘hijack’ the mediation process? Have a further read here.

Read full article HERE


Jennifer Kim

Intern at Australian Disputes Centre